I recently installed SculptOS 24.10 to my Thinkpad x230 internal SSD.
After watching Norman’s recent walk-through video (Thanks Norman, it was very helpful!) I was able to finally get a good feel for the system, while using the ram fs at least.
I have made the Genode partition under ahci the default partition, and have expanded it to it’s full capacity (223.568 GiB). However, when I un-use ram fs and then select use on the GENODE* file system, the log gives me some errors:
[runtime -> ahci-0-3.fs] rump: uid 0 on /: file system full
[runtime -> depot] Errot: /depot: no space
[runtime -> depot_rom] Error File_system-session creation failed ..
[runtime -> depot_rom] Error: Uncaught exception of type 'Gennode::Service_de...
[runtime -> depot_rom] Warning: abort called - thread ep
[core] Error: illegal READ at address 0x0 by pager_object ...
If someone could also kindly walk me through how to take a screenshot and then share it somehow while on SculptOS I’d be able to show more details. I have installed the screenshot program, and tried to alter the key from KEY_PRINT to KEY_F1(because my thinkpad does not have a print key) but that didn’t work. It also appears that these forums use a bit too much JS for the Falkon Browser to handle so I’m having to dual wield laptops.
Thanks again to Norman, the walk-through was very comprehensive and I was able to make use of many SculptOS features. I only wish I could set up persistence on the ahci filesystem from boot.
Could you please describe how you created the GENODE partition on your AHCI device as the log snippet only shows the final outcome but not not the steps leading up to it (maybe resizing the partition worked but resizing the file-system failed).
If the partition was successfully resized (either in the /report/log or /report/runtime/ahci-0.part/partitions file you will find the information about the current partition-table) you could re-format the partition via the Sculpt GUI or via mkfs.ext2 on another OS and give it another try.
If someone could also kindly walk me through how to take a screenshot and then share it somehow while on SculptOS I’d be able to show more details.
You can also inspect the USB stick and copy the /report/log file and than access it from another system.
That was simple enough, I then booted off the internal SSD, expanded and made default the GENODE partition.
I just tested booting from a USB stick with the same image on it and it works when switching from ram fs to usb, everything loads fine.
Thank you. This time I used system GUI server for GUI and system GUI for capture. Change the key in /config/event_filter but when I press the assigned key, is something supposed to happen? any indication that a screenshot has been taken? where are screenshots saved exactly? and how does one share a screenshot from within Sculpt? I am finding it hard without my UNIX tools at my disposal. Please give me curl and also git !
There will be a log message when a screenshot has been taken. The files are saved to the file system assigned to the screenshot tool. You may, e.g., select the shared_fs (first enable it in the options menu). When you also assign the shared_fs to Falkon’s download file-system request you will be able to access the screenshots from Falkon.
I booted into a live linux system and used gparted to completely wipe my laptop’s SSD. I then downloaded the prebuilt mage 24.10 and ran:
Thanks, @alex-ab could reproduce the issue on our Thinkpad X201 test-machine where it failed with the same symptom with a partition that is almost 300GiB large.
As it turns out the file-system resize step fails¹
[runtime] child "ahci-0.part" announces service "Block"
[runtime -> ahci-0.3.resize2fs] resize2fs 1.46.5 (30-Dec-2021)
[runtime -> ahci-0.3.resize2fs] Resizing the filesystem on /dev/block to 78142232 (4k) blocks.
[runtime -> ahci-0.3.resize2fs] Begin pass 1 (max = 2384)
[runtime -> ahci-0.3.resize2fs] Extending the inode table --------------------------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[runtime -> ahci-0.3.resize2fs] Begin pass 2 (max = 176)
[runtime -> ahci-0.3.resize2fs] Relocating blocks --------------------------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[runtime -> ahci-0.3.resize2fs] Begin pass 3 (max = 1)
[runtime -> ahci-0.3.resize2fs] resize2fs: Illegal doubly indirect block found while trying to resize /dev/block
[runtime -> ahci-0.3.resize2fs] Please run 'e2fsck -fy /dev/block' to fix the filesystem
[runtime -> ahci-0.3.resize2fs] after the aborted resize operation.
[runtime -> ahci-0.3.resize2fs] Scanning inode table ----------------------------------------
[runtime] child "ahci-0.3.resize2fs" exited with exit value 1
and even after running e2fsck via Check from GUI it is in a non-working state.
To remedy the situation on-target please perform the following steps:
❶ Boot Sculpt from the USB stick
❷ Format the GENODE partition via the Format entry (un-Use it first in case you made it the default partition and it is currently in used state) - as it is Ext2 it will take some time
❸ Inspect the GENODE partition on both the AHCI as well as the USB storage device
❹ Switch to the Inspect panel and copy the /boot directory from the USB to AHCI, e.g.
inspect:/> cp -r /usb-1-3.3/boot /ahci-0.3
❺ Wait a few seconds, shutdown the system and boot from AHCI
Additionally I’ll add that if you happen to have more monitors or a high resolution, then taking the screenshot may fail due to insufficient ram quota. However since it is visible in the log, it should be easy to spot.